Woman wearing Chopard eyewear

Proven Eyewear Marketing Strategies for Social Media

To prove that they stand above the competition, luxury eyewear brands have to prove how they are different and more valuable than other brands. Since marketing is the best tool to communicate with your audience, it is vital that you have a proper strategy in mind for it. There are some proven eyewear marketing strategies for social media that you can use to alleviate your customer interaction

1.    Celebrating Your Eyewear

The main focus of the majority of posts on social media, especially paid-for ones, should be around celebrating the eyewear products you have. This means using trending color palettes, beautiful images, desirable descriptions, and flattering angles. Eredità Eyewear is an eyewear distributor that has focused on making sure the intricate details of their eyewear collection are at the forefront of their social media posts.

2.    Be More Than Necessary

If luxury brands only focus on marketing eyewear as a necessary item for sight, they will lose out on paying customers. Customers can even cover the need to wear glasses with a simple but durable set of plain frames. However, you have to position your eyewear as much more so that there is an increased demand for more variety and style.

3.    Movement Can Make a Difference

Social media can become monotonous with the same old pictures. Since we have an in-built instinct to catch on to movement, boomerangs and videos can be the key to making your audience stop their scrolling.

4.    Eye Contact

We are all drawn to eye contact, which is why using eyewear that manages to create eye contact can also be a plus point when considering eyewear marketing strategies for social media. You can create compelling imagery with unique or brightly colored eyes that then divert attention to the frames.

5.    Have a Story

Customers are starting to appreciate authenticity when it comes to the eyewear brands they trust and buy from. Showcasing the history of your brand, how the eyewear products are made, and how the brand has persevered through time can also create a sense of deeper heritage. Eredità Eyewear doesn’t hide the fact that they are a family-run independent eyewear distributor or the history of the brands they have partnered with; this story is what makes them authentic to their customers.

If you have your own eyewear brand, using the right and proven eyewear marketing strategies for social media is critical. If you don’t think you have the resources or time to do it properly, the best thing you can do is partner up with a distributor who can do it for you. Eredità Eyewear is a leading eyewear distributor brand that works with marketing experts, which you can definitely take advantage of for your own brand!

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